“Cobwebs and ghosts
And bright jack-o’-lanterns
That’s what Hallowe’en is made of”
Our culture embraces all things spooky for one day every year. However, for the remaining 364 days we like to play it safe and avoid anything that takes us out of our comfort zones. We’re conditioned to avoid scary stuff and maintain conservative boundaries. The unfamiliar makes our tummies turn and the unpredictable is terrifying! Unfortunately, it’s in these scary, vulnerable places amazing things can happen.
I keep a venn diagram above my desk of two circles, which don’t intersect. The one circle reads, “Your comfort zone,” while the opposite says, “Where the magic happens”. It appears if these two circles never overlap, it’s awfully hard to create any magic in your life.
No, I’m not suggesting we celebrate Hallowe’en everyday, but rather embrace the bone-chilling feelings that may arise when faced with change or growth just as we would welcome this animated holiday.
Ask yourself:
What’s holding me back from living an inspired life?
How can I get there?
Share you scary, life-changing moments below or send me a message here to let me know how you’re going to get there.
Recipe of the week: Curry Roasted Pumpkin Seeds